Archive for the number 23

One Thing Leads to Another

Posted in poetry with tags , , , , on February 25, 2014 by malartart

I am sat in an art gallery café reading

a book. I look at the words

they have meaning because of

the writer’s intent and my perception. In the

background I can hear You Can Never Tell

by Chuck Berry- where it is coming from I

do not know. It reminds me of that scene

from Pulp Fiction

where John Travolta

and Uma Thurman

do the twist in the dance

competition at the retro style diner.

Travolta does the batsui which is the

dance Batman does in the sixties movie based on the

T.V. series.

The Batman T.V. series started my lifelong love

of comics and in particularly the

character of Batman.

When I was child I liked him because

he was cool. Now I am an adult

I like him because he is cool. I suddenly realise I have read

almost two pages of the book

and have not taken any of it in- so much for the writer’s

intent and my perception.

I stare at my coffee cup and

realise I will never have this moment again- I am glad

as I  hate  things

repeating themselves.

I go back two pages in the book

and start reading it again.